The extrenador of F. C. Barcelona Tito Vilanova has died at the Chiron Clinic in Barcelona after suffering a relapse in his illness that has caused her gastric complications. His condition was very delicate since last Friday entered the hospital with worsening of the parotid gland against fighting for over two years cancer.
Parotid cancer, told ABC María Pilar López Criado, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Madrid, "is the malignant transformation of the parotid glands' and, though sometimes spoken of thyroid cancer, the expert explained that" it is not the same parotid cancer the thyroid, "a much more frequent tumor.
The cure rate, said the expert, varies depending on the time of diagnosis and type of cancer. "If detected in early stages heals virtually 100% '; however, in cases where it is identified in stage IV, there has been a relapse or is a disseminated tumor, "may be incurable".
The treatments of choice, adds the expert, are surgery plus radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Unfortunately there is no 'clear pattern' for early identification and speaking of radiotherapy treatments for childhood tumors or certain toxic as risk factors. The only prevention, López Criado said, is "going to the ENT if a lump in the parotid region (preauricular and submandibular) is detected. The specialist will be responsible for referring the oncologist if tumor. "